#12 diamond video from Edgewood Preserve

Here it is in all its gory (not a typo…)

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Wow… So, how many ticks were injured in the riding of that trail? I am very glad I’ve never found it lol. J/k I def do wanna go back and find trails 9-12 in which I didn’t know there was till I read your post about it. Nice vid, I gotta get a go pro.

Lots of bug spray was applied; that’s kind of how you have to roll from now until November.

Very Cool Video.
Barely tell it was edgewood.

Sorry, But I shave my legs. This helps with ticks as I can feel them on me at all times.
I rarely stop and hardly ever pick up ticks. No spray, no lotion…But if I did choose something it would be Dr Bronners peppermint soap diluted with water then sprayed on

BTW, a GoPro is great and so is the chest mount but if you want non-Bigfoot looking footage without having to edit the crap out of it (software anti-shake isn’t all that good) then you should consider this: http://amzn.to/1szVKcY That’s what I use and it really smooths things out.

I really dont video.
Lo had Purchased a GP Hero for my Birthday
I think I used it once?