Edgewood Preserve Getting Bushy

Took a ride at Edgewood today and I have to say it might be the last until Fall/Winter. The easy loop is clear but the diamonds are a mess. There were parts (especially 4 and 8) that were like riding through the woods following a rabbit trail. Bushes, sapplings, root knees, it really was not pretty out there. I’ll toss up some images later to show what I mean.

I did ride #12 again and it’s getting packed down and faster. I still don’t really care for it but at least it was mostly clear because it’s so new.


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OK, here are some screen grabs; #3 is my favorite. There were parts where I couldn’t barely see a trail. I felt like I should run chariot spikes or something on my wheels to cut the growth back. I put on a ton of bug repellent before riding…

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Slapped in the face
Time to trim