I mean come on dude, wtf is wrong with you??
What A D-bag
Must be a Member … who is that CLIMBing on the bike in the background?
You are still holding a grudge after all these years on CLIMB? Come on bro time to move on. CLIMB isn’t what it was 30 years ago.
Dont get me going.
Those people including those in charge now Kicked me when I was down in a dark place in my life… they are evil and thieves.
Ask them where the Grant money went?
Ask them for an accounting?
Ask them when the next election for officers is?
They kicked you when you were nothing and now you are part of the in crowd. I was there for the whole thing and still watch things unfold.
You won’t even give me credit for all the good I had done … including being the father of the FTF… which the second ones had the largest turn out which was the year I changed the name from “Spartyfest” to FTF
and what they are doing to Todd… give me a break… “Come on Bro”
Let’s not go down this road again please.
Totally Agree
I didnt ask the question, But a question was asked and well… a answer was given.
The running Joke years ago was many of the climb members were “Weenies” who pooh Poohed everything that didnt fit their criteria or visions of what they believed mtb was all about… so, your video reminded me of … well… back then.
The new technologies have given people who never had the capability to enjoy the trails a chance to get out there and experience what they have been missing.
This puts a smile on my face.
One such rider… Doug Henry… rides up in Vermont and if you get a chance go to youtube and look him up. He is a paraplegic who is incredibly fast on a Ebike and Kudos to him.
I have only done the FTF for 7 years. I don’t take credit for anything. I do give credit where it is due. I didn’t know you 30 years ago or about CLIMB back then. I only got involved with them 20 at most. But I have heard some of the old timers call it Spartyfest which I know refers to you. I do understand you were a huge part of the beginnings. I don’t know the history in full only bits and pieces from both you and others and don’t really want to. I have only wanted to create a bigger sense on community since my tenure of organizing, nothing more. I don’t want the credit, just to see smiles and people having fun.
Be well Jim and I hope you enjoy many miles of trail. Not being sarcastic, just genuine. I will still say hello when I see you on the trails.
And as for the guy on the e-bike kudos to him the other guy is just a douche canoe and an able-ist